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Health Care discrimination. Weigh-based discrimination. Cervical cancer screening. Black Cisgender women. Sexual and gender minorities. LBQ+,
Black sexual and gender minoritized (SGM) people assigned female at birth who experienced weight-based health care discrimination were less likely to be screened for cervical cancer.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Social and Structural Determinants of Health. HIV prevention. Black youth. Sexual Minority Men.
Deterrents and motivators of HIV testing among young Black sexual minority men in North Carolina
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Telemedicine. mHealth. LGBTQ. Women of Color. Sexual and reproductive health. Intersectionality. Racism. Sexual orientation discrimination.
The acceptability of telemedicine and mHealth to help LBQ+ women of color access sexual and reproductive health services.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Telehealth. mHealth. eHealth. Healthcare delivery. Justice impacted individuals. Structural determinants of health
Telehealth as an informatics strategy to improve healthcare access and delivery to incarcerated populations.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Social and Structural Determinants of Health. HIV prevention and interventions. Multidisciplinary Collaboration
Public health scholars and practitioners have engaged in four key strategies for HIV prevention: behavioral-, technological-, biomedical-, and structural/community-level interventions.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Social Determinants of Health. HIV prevention. Black youth. Black family
The influence of African American father-child relationships on HIV testing
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Informatics intervention. mHealth. HIV prevention.Black sexual minority men. Young adults. Intersectionality.
HealthMpowerment is a mobile phone optimised intervention to reduce sexual risk and support community-building for young Black gay and bisexual men (age 18–30).
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
App development. mHealth. Mental health. Black women.
Recommendations for design of a mobile application to support management of anxiety and depression among Black American women.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Informatics intervention. mHealth. HIV prevention. Intersectionality. Racism. Sexual orientation discrimination. HIV stigma. Black sexual minority men.
A strengths-based approach to understanding how participants within an informatics intervention engaged in resilience processes in response to intersecting oppressions.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Information practices. Information politics. Black women. Community health. Library and information science.
"What would it really mean for LIS to decenter institutions, capital, ableism, and whiteness, and resituate our examination of the information practices and structures of people who are marginalized in the United States?"
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Informatics intervention. mHealth. HIV prevention. Social support. Social determinant of health. Black sexual minority men. Young adults
An analysis of participant conversations within an informatics intervention designed to increase social support and increase adoption of HIV prevention strategies.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Information practices. Social and social determinants of health. HIV prevention. Youth. HIV stigma
Assessing different types of communication about HIV and sociocultural factors on perceived HIV stigma and testing among young adults.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
Information practices. mHealth. Technology practices. HIV prevention and treatment. Black sexual minority men. Consumer health informatics
HIV information acquisition and use among young Black sexual minority men who report internet use.
Dr. Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS
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